Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Bay of Islands!

Kia Ora from the "Far North" of New Zealand. I am loving it up here! It is beautiful and the sun is HOT HOT HOT! I have been hanging out with a girl from Germany, Hanna---she wants to come work for me the summer after next. That would be cool...
Today we took a trip up to Cape Regina, the northern most point of NZ. It was amazing! We went sandboarding (Really fun--scary, but fun. Hard work hiking to the top!) and learned about some cool trees. They found some of the trees perfectly preserved underground. Carbon dated to 45,000 years old. That is wicked!
We also saw a penguin!
We drove along 90 mile beach in a big bus/truck thing. The speed limit was 100km/hr. Crazy. Faster than the highway that runs parallel to the beach. It was a great day.
Tomorrow we are headed out on a boat for an overnight stay on the ocean. Should be cool...we go on a night kayak ride and do lots of uber cool stuff.
Will keep you posted...stay warm :)
Hugging another Kauri Tree--they bring good luck!
The Northern most point in New Zealand
My favorite activity--jumping for joy in front of the camera! Sandboarding is Rad! You can take the girl out of the country...

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