Monday, February 23, 2009

Back To Reality!

Here is a picture from Fraser Island. Off the coast of Hervey Bay in Australia. Have you ever seen such a small lake, with that large of beach?? Lake Waby is basically a sand dune that has collected water over the years. We had a blast rolling done the dune and splashing in.

Fraser Island was a good laugh. I met up with Karen and Jordan. We rented a beast of a 4x4 and toured around the all sand island for 3 days. Can you imagine?! No paved roads, just sand. A bit like driving through really soft snow. We only got stuck twice!

So much fun to seem them again, but so sad to say goodbye! Hopefully I will see them again. They are amazing!

I am headed home in the AM. Sad, excited, nervous, happy, many feelings all at once! I hope you enjoyed "travelling" with me! I sure enjoyed sharing everything with you. I don't plan on blogging once I am home. So, until the next big adventure...Stand by!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Since you weren't here, I hugged a koala instead!
I was gonna give this this kangaroo some lovin', but they really just look like large rats! Ew!!
I hope you have a lovely Valentine's day!
Love and miss ya heaps!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

De Ja Vu

Holy Crap! I am in Brisbane right now, and I am having constant De Ja Vu! Here is the story...I was here for a week or two 5 years ago, and it is so familiar! It is really weird when you leave a place, never thinking you will really come back, and then all of the sudden, you are back! Crazy. Every time I walk by a cafe that I was in 5 years ago, the memories come flooding back. "weird...I remember sitting at that exact table, reading such and such book...I remember walking on this exact platform to catch a train...I spent Christmas 2004, right there!" I even walk into shops that are still here, and get a really weird feeling. Take my word for it...It is super freaky/cool being back somewhere you NEVER thought you would return to! Maybe it's cuz I didn't stay that long, because I don't get this feeling when I go to Pelican Rapids or Minneapolis. Probably cuz they are so familiar, where as Brisbane is just a small snippet of my memories.
Anyway...just a little food for thought!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Goodbye New Zealand!

I am headed to Australia tomorrow afternoon, so my mobile will no longer be working. I can be reached by email however. Sad. I don't want to leave this quaint little country!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life is Full of Difficult Decisionz!

I love this photo!! I didn't know what to do!!!
I have overcome my fear of roundabouts! They really make sense, and they are simple to use. They keep the flow of traffic going. I wish we had them at home. So yeah, I rented a car yesterday. After putting all my stuff in the boot, (the trunk for us Americans) I went to get in the car to drive away, and...I got in the wrong side. Boy did I feel stupid!! Luckily nobody saw me! Aaaahhh!! Maybe I shouldn't take to the streets of New Zealand! Anyway...driving on the opposite side is a breeze. I drove all afternoon yesterday. I was a little scared when I saw a mountain ahead that I had to cross over...but I made it! Super windy and steep. The max speed limit here is 100km/hr so you drive really slow, which makes it easier.
Today was Waitangi Day, which is the day the English took over the Maori people and NZ. Lots of stuff going on today. It was a great day. I will leave you with some food for thought...
So, most of you know my political feelings on government control, (if not, less government is better government to an extent.) Well, here in NZ (and a few other countries I have been to) the government decided that ALL employees should make more money if they work on weekends and public holidays. Okay. This shows the "people" that the government really truly cares about them. How nice! Here is the catch...All restaurants charge a surcharge of 15% on Sundays and Holidays to make up for the extra wages they have to pay. So really, it is the "people" that are paying the employees more, not the government. At least the restaurants can get away with this surcharge, I guess. Imagine owning a convenience store, or furniture store?!? Well, guess what....? Most of them don't open on Public Holidays! (my guess is that it is not financially beneficial to them.) Boy, do governments have a way of making themselves look like the hero, when in all actuality, we know the truth!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Only 3 weeks left...

Hello hello. I have some bad news...I dropped my camera in the sea! Aaaahhh. The good news, I didn't lose my pictures, and it was time to buy a new one anyway. (I got some sand in the lens and it was really acting up when I turned it on.) So I am on the hunt for a new picture catcher. yipee for that!
I have spent the last week in Kaiteriteri near the Abel Tasman National Park. I went on a full day kayak trip and did some awesome walks through the park. Beautiful views. It was great. I am headed back to Auckland tomorrow. I have a car rented for 5 days. It will be good to be out on the open road!
I then head to Australia for 2 weeks. I am going to visit 2 friends that I met earlier on my trip. (Karen and Jordan.) I cant wait to see them. They are a hoot!!
I am flying home Feb 24th, to get some stuff sorted before I jump back into work. My car needs to get its first check up down in the cities. Until then...Have fun!